Winter Sensory Fun!
When I was in the classroom I loved incorporating sensory fun activities and art projects. Now that I am home with Tucker, I love it just as much! I am sharing some winter sensory fun activities that will work in your classroom ALL winter long! For other December ideas visit my December category on my blog!

Snowman Play Doh
Play doh is always a hit with kids. So many sensory exploration and learning opportunities all in one! It also promotes creative play which I am ALL ABOUT! For this activity I decided to get on the play doh bandwagon and make a play doh tray, and OH MY GOSH Tucker, even at 20 months old, has been playing with it for hours on end over the last week. I added things I had around the house to keep it simple. You can do anything you want here!
I make play doh following this simple recipe from Living Well Mom. It turns out perfect EVERY time! For the tray, I added buttons, pipe cleaners for arms and noses, googly eyes and felt scraps for a scarf!
(You could also make green play doh and do Christmas tree decorating tray if you chose!)
Snowman in a Bag
I love sensory activities, but I also hate messes! Sensory bags are my favorite way to contain the mess but still have all the fun! It’s the cleanest way for winter sensory fun in the classroom! For this snowman sensory bag I just added some eyes, buttons, two sticks and some small rocks from the backyard and a carrot from my fridge! Once you have the snowman parts, just add shaving cream! Kids can play with the bag and make the snowman look however they choose!
There are SO many language opportunities you can do with these sensory bags. Here is a little video of Tucker and I chatting while playing with our snowman sensory bag!
Snow Sensory Table
We don’t have Snow in Los Angeles. We barely even have cold! So a perfect way to bring snow to your students (unless you are knee deep in snow outside) is through a snow sensory table! I decided to make instant snow in a bin instead of his sensory table so I could easily store it with a tight lid! I love these bins for easy sensory storage! This instant snow is SUPER easy to make and I got it on Amazon. I am sure you can find it at your local store too! I added some trees and arctic animals to keep it on theme!
Snow Shaving Cream Play
Shaving cream writing is ALWAYS a hit with students. You can work on spelling, drawing, name writing and all the things. It’s messy, so be prepared for clean up BEFORE you start!
Tucker is VERY into shapes and letters right now, and of course cars. SO what did we draw?
Snow Painting
I tried this AMAZING fluffy snow paint idea that I found from 123 Homeschool. Her recipe is perfect! This is a great idea to add to your winter sensory fun list! You can have kids work on drawing, spelling, writing etc. Just make this recipe, throw out some paper and BAM! Jk, there is a little more planning than that, but you get the idea!
Snow Craft Ideas
There are some GREAT snow craft ideas out there. Here are some old crafts I did in my classroom in the past years.
I hope these ideas were helpful for you! There are a million great ideas out there but it can seem overwhelming to choose and plan. I hope these successfully tested out activities will work in your classroom! Winter Sensory fun doesn’t have to be stressful or messy if done right! Let me know what other winter sensory fun your classroom does!
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