Interactive Behavior Tools for Distance Learning
COVID-19 has changed things drastically in the world of education. Many schools, therapies and service providers are now offering services/teaching through eLearning or distance learning because of the virus. This is a whole new world for all educators and families and educators are all learning as they go. Today I am sharing some interactive behavior tools that can be used at home on any device!

I wanted to share some digital interactive resources that have been in my TpT store for a few years. They may have not been applicable to your students back then, but you might find them useful now.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Because of the virus, I have revised my terms of use for all projects (interactive and printable PDF’s) to be allowed to be distributed to families of students on YOUR caseload as if you were using the resource in your own classroom for their child. Please feel free to distribute these resources to your students families.
How to Use Interactive Behavior Tools:
When you purchase any interactive behavior tool, you will get a PDF file with clickable links. This is compatible with ANY PDF viewer. No printing is necessary. Simply open the PDF on any PDF reader on a phone, tablet or computer. Display on a smart board or projector. Follow the visual to click through your student’s behavioral needs.
Before purchasing, please watch my video preview below to see how this product can be used:
Interactive Calm Down Kit on the Go
Teach students to cope with emotions on their own. Students will learn to click through the editable PDF, identify their emotions, follow the steps to calm down, choose a sensory break, review classroom rules, reflect and transition back to the class with correct behaviors. Over time, students can utilize this interactive PDF independently to build independence
Interactive Calm Down Social Story
Teach students how to calm down with this interactive social narrative. Students can click to the next page as they follow the instructions to calm down.
Breathing Visual Interactive Supports
Teach students appropriate breathing techniques when upset, frustrated, anxious or angry. Such a simple tool such as breathing visual can really help a child to cope with their emotions and calm down. This product comes with three files: 3 breaths, 5 breaths and 10 breaths
Emotion Flashcards Interactive Activities
Teach students the 12 most common emotions and model examples. With this clickable PDF. Students are provided a picture, definition and sample of each emotion.
How Do You Feel? Interactive Board
Teach students how to identify their emotions. Understanding emotions is a crucial step to building successful students in the classroom. Provide this visual tool to students to help them identify and recognize their own emotions!
What Would Make You Feel Better? Interactive Board
Provide students with an interactive visual choice board to help students calm down. 14 common classroom break options are provided for students to choose from. Students can click through to communicate if they are feeling better or need another break.
When I Feel Angry Interactive Activity
Teach students appropriate calming techniques when angry. Utilize this visual to walk students through the steps to calm down during a tantrum.
These interactive behaior tools can be a great help to families implementing distance learning at home. Combined with tasks provided by you, these tools can help student adjust to their new classroom setting, wherever it may be!
Interested in printable behavior visuals to send home to families? Read more about my Calm Down Kits HERE.