“How To Set Up A Special Education Program”- Organizing Cupboards

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Organization is the key to a successful special education program.  By having an organized classroom it will
reduce stress for staff and students.  By
spending the time and effort to organize your program before the school year
starts, you will save tons of time throughout the school year preparing for
each day.  Organization is IMPERATIVE for

Behind each center
(green and blue table) I have a book shelf that stores all of the work center
materials within an arms reach.

Behind the red
center I have a book shelf that stores all of the work center materials within
an arms reach.  

I also have a task box
center organized.

I have three large
cupboards in my classroom.  I have them
all organized to the fullest

In the left
storage unit I store all my big random things that I don’t access every
day.  This is also where my staff stores
all of their personal belongings each day.  

In the second storage unit I store all of my manipulatives on the top
shelf.  On the second, third and fourth
shelf all of my academic games are organized by subject.  The bottom shelf stores all of our sensory
bins and play doh!  

The third storage
unit is the most organized- I store all of our supplies.  Everything is labeled in boxes and stacked
and organized!

Check back tomorrow to learn about more tips on organization in your autism classroom!

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