“How To Set Up A Special Education Program”- Sensory Diets in the Classroom

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Sensory diets are
a tool used and designed to meet a child individual sensory needs. 
 If you have your students sensory needs in balance- behaviors will be
much better managed.  Sensory diets are a simple planned sensory routine
that is embedded within their normal routine.  

         To start, look at your daily schedule
and consider charting your students behaviors.  You can consider this as a
group or on an individual basis. It is best to start with your class as a
whole, then break it down further into individual needs after.  Find those targeted times where your students
are restless and out of hand.  Consider
adding a whole class walk to the swings or a run around the field.  It is important to find a balance between
sensory input and academic demands.
         More importantly,  it’s very important to look at sensory diets on
an individual basis.  Chart behaviors 
and look to find
patterns.  What are the challenging 
times for the
student?  When are the students having 
focusing?  Difficulty sitting?  Look and see if 
you can find
consistent times or consistent activities 
that produce
certain behaviors for each student.
  From here you can start
to implement different strategies.
If the student is
over stimulated and having trouble focusing consider some of these
CALMING strategies:
       deep pressure
       dimming lights
       weighted vest
       spin (computer chairs are GREAT for this)
       rocking in a chair
       bounce on yoga ball
       fidget toys
If the student is
under-stimulated and acting lethargic consider some of these
ALERTING strategies:
       bright lighting
       drink ice water
       chew gum

       increase movement opportunities 

Tomorrow I will discuss my sensory corner and my favorite: sensory transitions!!!

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