Whole Class Sensory Break!
I am starting something new this year! Last year I had my student’s come in from morning recess and read a book at their seat. During this time, my staff would take kiddo’s in groups to the bathroom. This was the best way for me to get toileting done before centers without too many disruptions. This year I am going to do a whole class “sensory break” after recess instead. Of course reading a book in the swing or bean bag chair will still be an option!
When the kiddo’s walk in from recess, they will check their schedules which states “sensory break.” I will have a sensory break file folder which the children will pick a sensory activity from. The PEC’s will represent one sensory activity. They will take the PEC to the sensory tub and attach it to the matching PEC. If they choose a piece of equipment, they will carry the PEC to the activity.
I created 8 sensory tubs to choose from. Here are what I have set up for now! I will rotate them through once the kiddo’s get bored of them.
I also plan to put a basket of fun flashlights that I have in my classroom for the kids to choose from! I am also thinking of making some of those glitter bottles/ sensory bags! So much to do 🙂
Also- any idea’s in how to incorporate this? I just bought it from big lots on sale! Super excited… I’m thinking of maybe wrapping up sensory break or starting sensory break with this. Maybe turning off the lights and letting the kids watch the rainbow dots cover the room!
I’d love to hear any suggestions in how YOU incorporate sensory activities into my class.